Anuj Kumar Mandal, Pankaj Kumar Yadav and Krishna Hari Dhakal
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A study was conducted in the rice zone of Morang district to examine soil fertility status and the most limiting nutrient in the research area in accordance with rice cultivation requirements. Hundred samples were collected from two different locations of Ratuwamai Municipality ward number 6 and 8 at depth of 0-15 cm from surface soil. Samples were analyzed to find texture, pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Soil Organic Matter (SOM). Statistical tools were used to analyze the data. The most limiting nutrient in rice fields were determined by comparing the observed value with the standard requirement for rice fields. From analysis, it was revealed that, nitrogen content was found medium. Phosphorus was low in ward 6 whereas medium in ward 8. Potassium was high in ward 8 whereas medium in ward 6. SOM was low due to less application of organic fertilizer. Majority sample were of acidic probably due to more use of urea. Thirty percent samples of ward 8 were neutral and with equal alkalinity in both wards. Majority of sample was sandy loam except in ward 8 where ten percent sample was clayey loam. Both wards show equal behavior of loamy soil. Nutshell, majority of samples were of low fertility. Nitrogen and Potassium was most limiting as per the rice cultivation requirement with optimum soil pH. Various extension works regarding the importance of soil fertility management, sustainable soil management, optimum application of organic and inorganic fertilizers and the techniques to enhance the soil fertility status is required.
Pages | 12-25 |
Year | 2021 |
Issue | 1 |
Volume | 2 |