Sawrab Mia, Mohammad Tanvir Ahmed Bulbul, Tamim Hasan, Mehedi Hasan Sheikh, Md. Tamjidul Haque

Doi: 10.26480/taec.01.2024.47.50

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An experiment was conducted at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University crop field, Gopalganj, to evaluate the effects of potassium and boron on the growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.) from December 2022 to March 2023. The experiment included four doses of potassium (K): K0 (0 kg/ha, control), K1 (45 kg/ha), K2 (60 kg/ha), and K3 (75 kg/ha), and four doses of boron (B): B0 (0 kg/ha, control), B1 (0.5 kg/ha), B2 (1 kg/ha), and B3 (1.5 kg/ha). The two-factor experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The highest root length (14.43 cm), fresh weight per plant (107.65 g), gross yield (34.82 t/ha), and marketable yield (33.66 t/ha) for potassium were achieved with 75 kg K/ha. The lowest values were observed in the control treatment. For boron, the highest root length (14.45 cm), fresh weight per plant (100.55 g), gross yield (34.71 t/ha), and marketable yield (33.14 t/ha) were found with 1.5 kg B/ha. The combined application of 75 kg K/ha and 1.5 kg B/ha resulted in the highest root length (15.15 cm), fresh weight per plant (110.96 g), gross yield (38.60 t/ha), and marketable yield (37.73 t/ha). The results indicate that the combined application of 75 kg K/ha and 1.5 kg B/ha is optimal for carrot growth and yield under BSMRSTU field conditions, providing a practical approach for improving carrot production in Bangladesh.

Pages 47-50
Year 2024
Issue 1
Volume 5