Roshan Kumar Yadav, Pankaj Kumar Yadav, Ujjal Tiwari
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Wheat is the third most important cereal crop of Nepal. Efficient use of resources is of much concern from economic point of view to increase the production level and maximize return. A study was carried out in the Kailali district with objective to examine resource use efficiency of wheat production. Total 120 wheat growing farmers were randomly selected. Data analysis was done via descriptive and statistical tools including Cobb-Douglas production function. Farmers were categorized into large farmer (n=46,) and small farmer (n=74). The average area under wheat production was 28.81 kattha/household. The overall average production was 1.08 qt/kattha. The benefit cost ratio was found out to be 1.43. The wheat productivity was 1.08 quintal/ha. The Benefit cost ratio of large land holder farmer (1.52) was higher than small land holder farmers (1.38) due to economies of scale. The regression coefficient (0.63) implied that tillage had significant positive effect on production of wheat with estimated decreasing return to scale (0.93). Other variables like seed, fertilizers, irrigation, and labour were found statistically non-significant. Adoption of farm machineries for better tillage, use of sustainable nutrient management techniques with recommended dose of quality wheat seed would increase the productivity and profitability of wheat farmers of the study area.
Pages | 50-56 |
Year | 2022 |
Issue | 2 |
Volume | 3 |